Upcoming events.

Upcoming Skills Workshops hosted by our Partner Churches and Facilitators are listed below.

Please note that Partner Churches and Facilitators set their own pricing for workshops and costs vary by location. To see workshop details and description choose a workshop below and click “View Event.”

Check back weekly as new workshops are added and fill quickly. Generally new workshops begin after the new year and into spring and then again late summer into fall.

You may also see a list of our Church Partners where Skills workshops are hosted on our Church Partner page .

Pre-Marital Skills
to Mar 8

Pre-Marital Skills

Schedule & Topics

Week 1: 7-9pm (Feb 13th) – Session 1: Becoming Us

Week 2: 7-9pm (Feb 20th) – Session 2: Our Pain Cycles: Recognizing our Fight Patterns and What Fuels Them

Week 3: 7-9pm (Feb 27th) – Session 3: Our Peace Cycles: Creating a Marriage of Love & Trustworthiness

Weekend: Friday (March 7- 4:30-8:30pm) & Saturday (March 8th- 8:45am-4pm): Problem Solving, Communication, Sex & Intimacy, Money & Finances, Dreaming of Us, Celebrating Us.

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